Saturday, July 23, 2011

Since last time...

And here I was thinking things would slow down a little this week.  Nope!  The past few days have been just as interesting as the first week.  I’ll try to recap and keep all of you interested.

My last post recapped through Wednesday night.  Thursday, class went as usual, and we found out our test that was supposed to be Friday… is a take home test that’s not even due until Monday.  So, that took a lot of the pressure off of us.  I’m trying to remember what we did Thursday afternoon, but it must not have been very interesting, seeing as I can’t remember.  I do remember a nap – it rained most of the morning/early afternoon so it was perfect nap weather.

Anna left mid-afternoon to go pick up her dad and sister from the airport (excited they’re here!), and I hung out in the lobby… gotta love my dependency on wi-fi… and attempted to get some work done.  I didn’t get as much done as I intended (such is life), but I did get to talk to Mary Clair for a long time instead!  I hope all of y’all are keeping up with her blog, too – it’s called Seeing Things Clairly!  I will see if I can figure out how to put a link to it on here.  Anyway, she is having a fabulous time in London this month and I am so glad she is getting to experience Europe.  She is already handling it way better than I would have, my first trip abroad without Mama.  (Does anyone remember my trip to Africa?)

After a nice chat with Mary Clair and a not so productive attempt at schoolwork, I got ready for Cirque du Soleil!  A mile or so from our hotel they are set up under an overpass and they do a free show every night!  Cirque du Soleil!  I think we saw them at the Beau Rivage when I was younger, but I was very excited about going to the show yesterday.  As you can tell from pictures, it was a nice sized crowd, and of course the show was fabulous.  It was only an hour long, but we had to stand up the whole time so I was okay with that it was free so I’m not complaining about a shorter than ideal show.  Those people are just so talented.  And brave!  At one point the tight rope man slipped a little bit.  I would have had a heart attack and just died right there on the tight rope, but he regained his balance and kept on going and stood upside down on his hands at one point and everything.

There was a pretty big crowd there!

Anna, me, and her sister Alex


The tight rope guy... upside down. No big deal.

The "Emperor" of the show

Such talent

This girl... hula hooped all over the place!

Saying goodbye at the end

Entertaining the crowd - we had a great spot!

Didn't quite get the gist of what the show was about... but it was still entertaining.

It is just so neat to be in a place where we can go do things like that!  I’d definitely pay to see the full show (which is the point of that free one, I think – great marketing).

Today, Friday, we didn’t have class.  **heavenly music**  Of course Anna and I got up in time to eat breakfast – can’t skip a meal – and went right back to sleep.  We met up with her dad and sister and showed them the main drag, Rue St. John, and ate at a great bistro for lunch!  It’s called Paillard, and we had been before for a pastry and things like that, but never for a meal.  We want to go back; it was cheap yummy!

That’s another thing – it is just so neat to be in a place where you can stay three weeks and never eat at the same place twice, and have a good meal at every place!  It’s nothing compared to Clinton, where you can choose between McAlister’s, Newk’s, Applebee’s, or your choice of fast food establishments.

I digress.

We had a busy afternoon at the laundry mat, and in the midst of all of that I finally found a gift for Conner.  I am a picky gift giver and he is a picky gift receiver, so that leaves a very narrow margin for things he would actually like and use (if I buy you something I want you to like it enough to use it) (I am sorry but it’s true).  Anyway, I found something and I hope he likes it.  Anna and I did laundry for the second and final time!  We splurged and actually paid for two rounds in the dryer instead of just one.  It’s the small things like truly dry clothes that make life more enjoyable.

I think I digress again.

Friday night we went on a great dinner cruise in the St. Lawrence River!  I took lots of pictures but will try to share my best ones with you.  The food was average, we got what we paid for kind of thing, but we danced the night away (for real, the cruise was 4 hours long) and enjoyed the DJ’s choice of all American music, haha!  Our group clicks really well together, so it was fun to just laugh and hang out with them for a while.  Not to mention the view was absolutely gorgeous the whole time!  And aside from the humidity, the temperature was absolutely wonderful.  What I would give for temperatures like that in Mississippi this time of year!!!

Headed down the St. Lawrence river - there's the Chateau!

Using the zoom feature.

There it is again.

The funiculaire! (We have taken advantage of it several times this week.)

Looking up at the Plains of Abraham

Tonight we are going to eat at Le Chateau Frontenac, and tourist attraction or not, I am excited about it.  (What do you know, me getting excited about yet another meal)  I can’t believe I only have a week left in this beautiful city!  It has truly been one of the best travel experiences in my life, and I can say that with a bit of experience under my belt!  Everyone should take advantage of this European province – you can have all the perks of a grand European vacation without even crossing the water!


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