Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Lost in Loretteville

I foresee it being difficult to keep up with this blog and not forget anything, because the days run together and we have already done so much!

But, since my last post…

We successfully got lost in Quebec. Like, for real. Anna, Andrew and I went to the movie theater to try to buy Harry Potter tickets.  (We are going, no matter what.)  We got on the right bus by our hotel in the old city, took the bus up to L’Universite Laval, got off the bus, and got on another one that would supposedly take us to the movie theater and the mall (about which I have already blogged).  We needed random stuff from Zellers (Wal Mart), so we planned to go to the mall after the theater.


We didn’t find tickets; they didn’t have the schedule ready.  So, we left the theater to get back on the bus to go up to the mall.  Naturally, we thought the bus made a loop.

It didn’t.

An hour and a half later, we found ourselves in Loretteville.  Loretteville is a really nice little place, very modest and residential.  However, we did not intend to go anywhere near Loretteville.  The bus turned onto the Interstate soon after the theater, and we knew that wasn’t the right direction, but we figured it would be best to just stay on and ride the “loop” and we would eventually end up in familiar territory.


Stop by stop, people got off the bus.  And then there were three.  (Us)  The bus driver pulled into a cul de sac by a bus stop and cut off the engine.  Thus commences our conversation with him (in English because I couldn’t understand his French):

Driver: Are you getting off here?
Andrew: Um, is this where the bus stops?
Driver: Yes, were you planning to get off here?
Andrew: No, is there another bus that will take us back?
Driver: Yes, but not for a while.
Andrew: Like, could we get off this bus and wait for another one?
Driver: It will be a long while before the next bus.
Andrew: Wellll, I guess we'll just wait for the next bus.
Driver: No, it's too long to wait. [pause, awkward look] Now I'm just trying to decide what to do with you all. [creepy look]
Andrew: Uhhhhh….
[Me and Anna]: __________________
Driver: I will take you to another bus stop.
Andrew: Merci beaucoup
[We drive for a few minutes.]
Driver: Oh, look, there’s your bus! Go, get off, run!
Andrew: Je suis tres desole, merci beaucoup, bon journee, desole! [I’m so sorry, thank you so much, have a nice day, sorry!]
We runnnnn to the bus across the street and ride back up to civilization, and then to Zellers. 

All in all, our little rendezvous took over two hours.  But you know, we got to see the plain old suburb lifestyle of Quebec, and it was cheap entertainment, so we didn’t complain too much.  I mean we did complain a little bit because it rained and so the bus was stuffy because they don’t believe in AC here, but whatever.  We made it, we were never in danger or anything, all is well.

Merci beaucoup to Andrew and his French speaking skills.  Anna and I wouldn’t have gotten lost in the first place don’t know what we would have done without him!

That was basically our entire day, besides class, so we treated ourselves to a nice, leisurely dinner afterwards. 

We will never get on “the 87 to Loretteville” again, and we hope we can find HP tickets at some point this week.  Et c’est tout pour aujourd’hui!

Hope y’all are enjoying my blog as much as I’m enjoying writing it!


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